Document and Link Archive
under construction – compiled by Katja Mayer and Rafael Schoegler for this website:
- Humanities World Report
- World Social Science Report
- European Commission SSH reports
- METRIS Report – Emerging Trends in Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities in Europe
- METRIS – diverse SSH related publications
- ESF – Publications Humanities
- ESF – Publications Social Sciences
- Net4Society
- OECD – New Data for Understanding the Human Condition
SSH in Horizon 2020
- EASH (2011) – Open Letter
- ALLEA (2013) - Embedding the Social Sciences and Humanities in Horizon 2020
- Science Europe (2013) – Statement Embedding Social Sciences and Humanities in the Horizon 2020 Societal Challenges
- LERU (2013) - SSH research is vital to build an innovative and resilient Europe
- ECHIC and HUMED on Horizon 2020 (2013)
- European Educational Research Association (2013) - EERA’s Agenda for Horizon 2020
- European Environmental Humanities Alliance (2013) – Vilnius Declaration: Humanities for the Environment
- Academia Europeana – position paper on the situation of the Humanities and Social Sciences in Europe
- Free University Berlin – Reasons for European Funding for Social Science and Humanities Research beyond 2014
- Nina Kancewicz-Hoffman - The role of humanities and social sciences
- Galleron/Williams (2013): The humanities’ challenge is to break out and break in
- Máire Geoghegan-Quinn (2013): Social Sciences are a compass in demanding times
- Technopolis (2012): Improving the contribution of the Social Sciences (including Humanities) to tackling the Grand Challenges: Study to assist the European Research Area Board: Final Report
Get involved in H2020
- Horizon 2020 thematic workshops 2011 (including lists of participants and presentations)
- Experts for Horizon 2020 Advisory Groups: Call for expressions of interest
- Priority-setting in the European Research Framework Programmes (Dan Andrée)
SSH in former European Framework programmes
- ERC – Social Sciences and Humanities: A mainstay in the ERC
- Net4Scociety – SSH Experiences with FP7
- (Bibliometric) Evaluation of the Impact of Framework Programme supported Social Sciences and Humanities
- Commission, European. 2010. Evaluation of the Impact of the Framework Programme on the Formation of the ERA in Social Sciences and the Humanities (SSH): Final Report. Luxembourg: EUR-OP.
- Consult, IDEA. 2010. Evaluation of the Impact of EU Funded Research in Social Sciences and Humanities on EU Policies.
- Kastrinos, Nikos. 2010. “Policies for Co-ordination in the European Research Area: a View from the Social Sciences and Humanities: Science and Public Policy.” 37(4):297–310.
- Van Hemert, Patricia, and Peter Nijkamp. 2008. “Thematic Research Prioritization in the EU and the Netherlands: An Assessment on the Basis of Content Analysis.” Research Memoranda 0023.
- Commission, European. 2008. European Union Research in Economics: Growth, Employment and Competitiveness in a Knowledge Society : Seventh Research Framework Programme “Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities” (2007-2008). Luxembourg: EUR-OP.
- Commission, European. 2007a. EU Research on Social Sciences and Humanities: Governance by Committee, the Role of Committees in European Policy-Making and Policy Impementation. Luxembourg: European Commission.
- Commission, European. 2007b. Report of the Expert Group on Humanities: Positioning Humanities Research in the 7th Framework Programme. Luxembourg: European Union.
- Commission, European. 2006. European Union-supported Research in Social Sciences and Humanities 1998-2005. Belgium.
- Janez Potocnik (2005) - Social Sciences and Humanities in Europe: New Challenges, New Opportunities, Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
- Remøe, Svend. 2005. “Adding Value over Time: Some Notes on the Developments in the European Dimension of Socio-economic Research in EU Framework Programmes.” Pp. 13–38 in Building the European research area, edited by Michael Kuhn and Svend Remøe. New York: Peter Lang.
- Commission, European. 2004. Five-Year Assessment of the European Union Framework Programme.
- Commission, European. 2003. The Overall Socio-economic Dimension of Community Research in the Fifth European Framework Programme: A Synthesis Report on the Integration of the Socio-economic Related Research Activities of the European Community (1998-2002). Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.
- Guy, Ken. 2003. Insights from Policy Research for the Formulation and Evaluation of Policy: A Review of Projects Funded Under the TSER Programme and the Implications for European Science, Technology and Innovation Policy a. European Commission.
- Brine, Jacqueline. 2000. “TSER and the Epistemic Community of European Social Researchers.” Journal of European Social Policy 10(3):267–82.
- Commission, European, and DG Research &. Innovation. NA. Key Action – Improving the Socio-economic Knowledge Base: Synapses of Key Action Projects Funded as a Result of the 3rd Call for Proposals (2002).
- Dupas, Claire (Chairperson) et al. 2000. Improving Human Potential: Activities: Socio-economic Research: Coordination of the Socio-economic Dimension in the 5th Framework Programme (FP5).
- NIgel, Gilbert. 1996. European Union Social Science Research.
SSH in international research funding
- Van Hemert, Patricia, and Peter Nijkamp. 2008. “Thematic Research Prioritization in the EU and the Netherlands: An Assessment on the Basis of Content Analysis.” Research Memoranda 0023.
- King, Desmond. 1997. “Creating a Funding Regime for Social Research in Britain: The Heyworth Committee on Social Studies and the Founding of the Social Science Research Council.” Minerva 35(1):1–26.
- King, Desmond. 1998. “The Politics of Social Research: Institutionalizing Public Funding Regimes in the United States and Britain: British Journal of Political Science.” 28(3):415–44.
- Papanagnou, Georgios. 2011. Social Science and Policy Challenges: Democracy, Values and Capacities. Paris: UNESCO Pub.
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